Uniforms of the Defense Directorate

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A variety of uniforms of the Earth Defense Directorate are worn by officers and representatives, either as day uniforms or during ceremonial functions.

Combat Uniform

The combat uniform of the Defense Directorate in 2491 CE is a tight-fitting white ensemble noted for a tunic with a distinctive edged yoke with popped collar, distinctive armbands at the bicep, and distinctive white yet striped leggings with fitted boots.

The tunic itself is unique in construction, whose distinctive one-inch edging flap ran between the breastplate and throat, straight around the front and back of the body; the popped collar effect could either be popped or seated in a recess around the neck. For pilots, a gold wing pin rests at the center of said yoke (BR25Film, "Awakening"), while pilots with silver eagles wear both (BR25: "Return of the Fighting 69th").

On the wearer's right bicep a rainbow-colored armband was worn, atop which a logo of the Earth Directorate rests as a separate patch element. Contrasting to the wearer's left bicep was a smaller slate gray armband featuring a box device.

The uniforms are typically worn with a helmet by Directorate forces when either piloting a craft, or performing military duties in the field (BR25Film, "Awakening", "Return of the Fighting 69th", "Buck's Duel to the Death").